Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Social Security Hearing

Ron had his Social Security hearing yesterday, the 13th. The hearing went well according to our attorney. The vocational expert testified that with the limitations the judge set forth, there is no job that he is capable of doing...so now we wait. The judge is supposed to mail us his decision in the next month....I am just thankful that the hearing is over so now maybe I will not be quite so stressed. Thanks again for all the support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Have u heard anything from Social Security, My husband is 27 and has CNSV, our lives have been changed also. I read ur blog, and can identify to your "new life"I wish you the best of luck, we are waiting on our court date now.

Heres a letter I just wrote my support group, on what happened to us,


Wow! That is a blessing, my story is a little different from a caregivers perspective. My 26 year old husband in the brim of health as a basketball player, became extremely ill after being in Europe and taking comadin from a blood clot from being hit in the leg.

First he was nauseous from the comadin, then became sicker, then the headaches just wouldnt stop, and then he started to become lethargic and he couldnt remember how to get places.

At the time my best friend father had passed from an anerysum and I thought his symptoms were similar so I forced him to the hospital.

I had no idea what was to come, He spent 3 weeks in ICU, no doctor knew what was wrong, they said it was an encephalitis and perhaps they would never make an diagnoses. He was transferred to another hospital and had a biopsy and finally the Vasculitis diagnoses was made, it took almost a month. Life has changed, and to add more to the mix we have a 8 month old. I was pregnant during this whole ordeal.

He takes prednisone and keppra, and when he worries a lot, have flares and have to taper back up its a roller coaster. The doctor said we will try Methotraxate next if theres another relapse. No Cytocan yet because it can cause secondary cancer.

Hopefully he will be off of the "drugs" soon. He hates how they make him feel. His career has changed. He cant work the job he used to, and that causes depression. We cant help but to remember that before the comadin he felt fine, no problems. That medicine is horrible, and the doctors think he was allergic to warfin which lowered his immune system.

Our lives have changed, but this aliment no matter how severe it may seem is just another road block, seems clear to me know that no one will live forever. Then you have all the opinions and problems that family brings, perhaps its them that have made my life hell. Thank God for our beautiful baby, he is the apple of our lives. The doctors seem hopeful, and we are too, although no one wants to have a disease that they have no idea where it came from, We are happy to still have life, and We will live it to the fullest everyday!

Stephanie =)