Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ron had another stroke.

On December 18th, 2010 Ron woke up feeling off. The only thing he could really express was that everything felt "backwards" We called for an ambulance and off to the ER we went. Normally it is 3 or 4 days before Ron is cognizant enough of the stroke to allow a trip to the hospital but this time we were at the ER within 24 hours of the original onset. We won't know specifically what triggered it but it did have to do with some medication issues. He suffered a 2cm to 3cm lesion deep within the Basal Ganglia part of his brain. Physically, he is doing alright. The kept him in the hospital 4 days. He still has some balance/weakness issues along with swallowing issues and a few other things. Mentally he is much more subdued. I think this stroke scared him more the others because he could actually feel the change. This month will be very active for us as we are moving and also trying to fit in lots of doctor visits for Ron. We haven't really been told what this means for his long term. We will be going to see the neurologist soon and hopefully we can work towards more clear answers. I was very grateful to have him with us for Christmas and being able to ring in the new year with my very best friend. We celebrate 10 years of marriage in a few days. Our New Year's Resolution to each other was to just live better, for ourselves. Thank you all for the continued love and support. This relapse proves how much we still need you.


Love said...

Amanda, I follow ur blog often as my husband has the same condition. So I understand ur feelings, because I am going through the same thing daily. In december we were able to stop the steriods, but a week ago he had a relapse, and were back on 40 mg of Prednisone. We go for a MRI this week.

Sometimes I dont know what to think about all of this, and miss my old life. Then I am just thankful he is still here. And I remind myself that my friend is still there.

I do believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and believe that things will get better for all of us.

I am not sure if you know but there is another person on Facebook, who has CNS Vasculitis, and she details her journey also.

Her name is Jonelle Martin

I will be following up with you, so keep the updates coming. God Bless You!

Janet said...

I just found your blog. I have CNS Vasculitis too. I so feel for your husband. You and your family will added to my prayer lists. I am currently in a relapse as well. An evening of seizures and all those cognizant/motor symptoms last night was awful. I will probably start Cytoxan again next week (3rd yearly round). Just keep in mind that your are not alone. There are others who are going thru the exact same situation. AND congratulations on the SSI!!! I am going to try for mine again.

God bless you and your family! Janet