Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23,2009

Ron is back in the hospital. His symptoms started on Friday the 20th. He fell a couple times and was a little confused. He had to wake up early for work on Saturday and he fell a few times getting ready for work. There were a few other symptoms and Ron left work early. When he got home I asked him if he thought it was time to go to the ER and he agreed. We got to the ER and they immediately started with blood work and withing half an hour they were taking him back for a CT scan. The doctor came in a short while later and said that there were new stroke lesions on his brain and he was going to be admitted. He was finally put into a room early Sunday morning. He also had an MRI done on Saturday. The MRI confirmed 5 new strokes and a very high level of inflammation in the brain. The inflammation number should be 5 or less. His is 45. They started high dose IV steroids and chemo. This was all triggered by the tapering of his steroids. Obviously he is going to be on it longer. He was already showing improvement withing a few hours of the steroids. They are doing an angiogram Monday morning. He will be in the hospital until at least Wednesday. Thank you again for all of you love and positive thoughts. I never would have made it thru this battle with you ya'll! I will keep you posted!

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